Y Revenir... is a place of healing, where you will have the feeling of having already come.
A singular space, which will seem familiar to you.
Return to the source, return to Self, return to nature, return to origin, return home...
As many paths as it will be sweet for you to borrow again.
Internship #12 / RE-CONNECTION TO SELF
Fri, Feb 10
FIND YOURSELF, WITH ART THERAPY. We are looking for more meaning in our life, our profession or our daily actions. But, such a rebound first requires a return to Self, to refocus and start again better, in the sense of a fair choice.

Heure et lieu
Feb 10, 2023, 9:30 AM – Feb 12, 2023, 5:30 PM
Fouleix, 135, Chemin des Peupliers La Blanquerie, 24380 Fouleix, France
À propos du Stage
“Am I in my right place?“
"Change job ?"
"To change life ?"
“Take a new path?“
To seek oneself is already to set oneself in motion.
The current context activates questions and pushes us to reflect on our deepest choices.
We are looking for more meaning in our life, our profession or our daily actions.
But, such a rebound goes first through a return to Self, a detour through one's own creativity.
A few days off, to refocus is essential.
Take a time for yourself, to start again better, in the sense of a fair choice.
I offer you 3 days of training, to align yourself again, in a setting conducive to healing and introspection.